Let's see, what did we do this week? Oh yeah, we had a baby.
And it's a boy!
If I look a little tired, it's because I am. |
The other kids are already fighting over who gets to hold him at all times.
The delivery was great, approximately one hundred million times better than the complicated mess we went through getting Baby #5 here a couple of years ago.
Please note the orange sign in his bassinet reading "I have not been bathed." I need several laminated copies to stick on my other kids as needed at home. |
Labor started around 2 AM, despite the fact that Phillip had repeatedly stated his preference for a daytime delivery (most of our babies like to come in the middle of the night.)
In fact, our last words before going to sleep the night before were:
"You remember that I want a daytime delivery this time, right?"
"Yes, and I've relayed your request to The Fetus."
Unfortunately his answer was "Whatevs, Dad."
I've spent the last few weeks being very hormonal and crazy, beyond ready for the baby to come and wringing my hands over all the ways it could go wrong.
As you know, pregnancy makes you cry over some very dumb things, so when one daughter picked me a large dandelion and a small dandelion that had gone to seed saying, "this is you and the new baby!" and then my 4-year-old came over and blew all the seeds off, I naturally started sobbing.
I couldn't explain to them (or myself, actually) why I was upset, but the next day at their sister's soccer game they picked me a replacement pair to make me feel better.
![]() |
Sorry your mommy is crazy, girls. This is only temporary. |
Which would've been funny, if at that very moment I hadn't been lying on the couch doing exactly nothing.
In non-baby news, my friend's sons were baptized on Saturday. It was lovely, but they ended up with a lot of extra food from the dinner afterward and hooked me up with some of the leftovers.
My favorite was this French bread:
I didn't mean to, but I downed an entire loaf this size after I got home.
And you know what? I don't even feel bad about it. It was delicious.
My 4th-grader's teacher has been reading Roald Dahl's The Witches out loud, and as a treat they watched the movie adaptation in class.
I was asking questions to figure out if it was the same version I'd watched as a kid or a newer one, and my child finally said uncertainly, "I don't know, I think it was made in the 1900's..."
Aaaand now I feel like I'm 100.
Also this week, Mamalode published one of my favorite articles "Taking Refuge." Go take a read if you haven't already, it's a good one.
In the comments here, you can let me know one of two things inspired by the article:
- What moment has made you stop lately and appreciate the stage of life you're in?
- Share your favorite kid-streaking-around-naked story (this is relevant to the article, I promise!)
OKAY. I love how you just throw in there that you had a baby! I guess after #5 you're just a pro. Congratulations! I don't understand how you're blogging right now. To answer question #1, any time I get to hang out with my (non fussy) baby just makes me so happy about everything.
Congratulations on your new son! He is adorable and you look beautiful in the photos! You are so blessed to have your mom come and help you out! Happy Mother's Day to the two of you! :)
CONGRATS! What a perfect little baby. I'm so thrilled you had a better delivery! I love the story about the dandelions. I cried at anything and everything around the time my daughter was born. I was especially emotional earlier this week and sobbed over a dance on Dancing With the Stars. I have no explanation other than I embarrassed myself even though I was the only one in the room.
Congratulations! Can I eat a loaf of bread even though I'm not pregnant?!?
We have video of my daughter streaking around naked after bath one night with a stuffed animal snakie wrapped around her shoulders ala Britney Spears gone bad. It cracks me up.
Congratulations! He is precious!
Congratulations on your new baby!!! And most importantly, congratulations on not being pregnant anymore ;)
Wooooooo! congratulations!
No exciting naked child stories round here, but there is a pretty good one about my eldest and a naked man she saw through a window... but I'm saving that for another day ;-)
Hurray! Baby!!! Glad you guys are all healthy and that grandma is around to help. I had my reasons for moving into the same apartment building as my parents...because parents are useful that way...
And the bread looks very good. It's easy to eat a whole loaf of bread when it's good bread!
Yay! My babies like to come in the middle of the night too but I really want this not to come before that.
I'm at the crying stage too. I think my girls get a little nervous about that.
Yay! Congratulations!!!! So glad everything went well!
Congratulations Jenny! Lovely news, so pleased it all went well xx
Congratulations! Glad everything went so smoothly! I am also glad I got to finish reading the mamalode post. My phone died half way through it when it came through my FB feed! Love it! It is so much easier to cherish the life with little ones once you see for yourself how fast they grow. My two oldest going to prom this year really hit me. I was aware they were in high school so I am not sure what the huge deal was, but I have been a little extra snuggly with the youngest two since then!
I don't really have a streaker story, but one of the nuns who teaches at my kids school recently came to the window of my car when I was inside the school and my 4-year-old was in his underwear. Luckily, she left before I came back so I didn't have to be face-to-face with my mortification, but I think my 12-year-old was mortified enough for the both of us!
Yay!!!!! Congratulations on birthing that baby! The orange "I have not been bathed" sign is hilarious.
I love the Mamalode article! I don't have any naked kid streaking around stories (yet), but in response to #1: lately, the little boy in my belly has started moving around more (I think he's getting uncomfortable, 'cause he's never been a big mover) and he's big enough that my belly moves with him. So as I look at my belly and feel like I'm in Doctor Who, I've started really realizing how much I appreciate being in this stage of life. Yes, I'm really excited to birth out this baby in a month and a half, and I'm really excited to get to know him outside of the womb, but I've really been trying to appreciate even more the specialness of being pregnant (and the fact that Baby can't can't keep me awake with screaming and crying yet haha).
Yay!! That is so exciting!
Wonderful news. Congratulations to your entire family.
Fave naked story: we were at the pond in the evening, right after they dumped a large pile of sand that had been left undistributed. My oldest, 2 years old at the time, was all of a sudden buck naked and sliding down the pile of sand, leaving a perfectly molded bum print from the top of the mound to the bottom. Good thing we were the only ones there! Congrats on the newest bundle, can't wait to meet him!
oops, didn't realize I wasn't signed in for my above comment :)
Yay healthy baby! Yay non-stressy and traumatic delivery!
Congratulations, Jenny! You and the baby look wonderful. My two girls streak on a nightly basis after baths. They love to be chased by the mama monster. And your post was beautiful. I love it when my four year old falls asleep holding my hand. I always have to take a second to pray in gratitude for such moments.
Lynne from UK
Congratulations on your little one!!
I am a Nana and love time with my two year old grandson. My daughter turned 30 Thursday so I looked after little man while she and my son in law went out to celebrate. I slept on the sofa and was up following morning a bit too early for me and as I had a pre headache after breakfast my daughter took him out so I could nap. It tugged on my heartstrings to here him calling Nana. After the nap I felt up to looking after him while my daughter went to work (I get that pleasure a few times each week).
Streaker story. My children's first beach holiday (which included my youngest son's first birthday and first steps towards his birthday cake!! ) it was a windy day and my eldest son (3 years old at the time) decided to strip off and run naked. His shouts of joy turned to terror as he ran up to his Nanny (my mum) shouting that the sand was biting his willy!! 28 years on it still makes me smile!! ��
Wow! Jenny, your week beat mine! I haven't used my baby making superpower for 27 years!!
Congrats on your newest little blessing!
My grand baby was casually streaking around today! First she stripped and raced to the potty. When she got back, it was all about, "What? I'm naked?? But I feel so comfortable!"
Oh yeah, I totally forgot what else I was supposed to say!
I've nominated you to a quote challenge, if you so choose.
CONGRATS on baby boy!!!
I was reading with my girls (7, 5, 3), and I realized that they still want to sit on my lap, cuddle, or hold my hand while we read, and it made me so glad that they are still little!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! So glad your little baby boy is here all safe and sound and that the delivery went well. I'm totally thrilled for all of you and wish I could drop by with dinner and to chat:) Sending hugs!
Anything is possible if you just give up sleep entirely.
Kidding. Sort of.
I think we've all been there. In my defense, I was pretty worried running through all the things that could go wrong in my mind (pre-eclampsia, not going into labor on my own, getting a failed induction, ending up with another emergency C-section halfway through labor, etc...) and I think that was the real reason behind the hysterics.
I'm laughing so hard picturing that one. Kids are hilarious.
Spoken like a woman who's been there before. I can see my feet! I can pick things up when I drop them! I can roll over in bed in less than 10 minutes! I'm like a superhero now.
Wait for the right moment to share it. You don't want to play all your good cards right away!
I think my younger kids might be a little oblivious, but the oldest is watching me carefully and I hope I haven't given her bad impressions or associations about being pregnant or having babies. It really is wonderful (obviously I think so, or I wouldn't have 6!) but I hope that shows through all the craziness.
I can just imagine - at least it wasn't a friend or, worse, a love interest!
Even though you're aware of your kids getting older it sometimes just hits you at strange moments. Last Christmas my 12-year-old wanted to sing in the choir with the adults at our community Christmas concert and I completely teared up. Not only was she singing with the adults, but I'd also lent her a tank top to wear under her shirt that day. It was a little big on her, but still! When does that happen?
I love that part of pregnancy. I could watch my pregnant belly roll around as the baby shifts and moves all day. (Phillip thinks it's creepy and reminds him of the movie Alien. I think you may have to be female to get it.)
You're almost there, and I love your attitude. Do enjoy this phase of life, even though there will probably come a time toward the end of your pregnancy when it feels like you'll be pregnant for the rest of eternity!
I bet you were finding sand in crevices you didn't even know existed at bath time that night. Hilarious.
I love both of your stories. Hearing my little ones call my name (or their siblings' names) just makes me tear up sometimes. And your beach story is great!
She's just being honest.
Melinda, you are so sweet! Unfortunately the timing isn't that great - with the new baby I'm so tired I just put laundry detergent in the fridge, so I'm going to have to pass on this challenge!
Phillip was the only one with a daytime delivery so I guess that means he expressed his preferences early in life! Wish I was there
Happy, Happy Day! The baby is here :) You have 6 now! Amazing how fast it all goes right? One day we are kids,then single adults, getting married and wah-bam, suddenly we can't even go to the bathroom in peace! Hugs for you and your newbie!
Sounds like a perfect moment.
Some days I still look around at my house, my minivan, and I think, "There is no WAY I am responsible for all of this. What a terrible idea!"
Congratulations! I'm so happy that birth went so much better for you. I can't believe that you just had a baby and you are blogging like no big deal. You're my hero. The kids (and husband) were sick last week and I've had a toothache for a few days and blog? Nah...
Amazing! I look forward to hearing about your new little peanut and adventures.
Congratulations! Just came over to comment on your post from the prompt and noticed your profile now said mother of 6 and thought 'Ooooh!' Wonderful news. So glad it was a better birth than no 5, and he looks adorable (but of course). And I wish I looked that fab after giving birth - I'm usually so pale people bite back a scream and rush off to bring me back massive cakes! (come to think of it, looking rubbish does have its benefits... ) xxx
Yay!! Welcome to the world of number six! You officially need to start wearing a bonnet so people have a basis to judge your crazy addiction to fetuses. PM me the name. It's not fair that I don't know it.
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