Saturday, February 1, 2025

7 Quick Takes about Emotions Personified, Near Misses, and Unlikely Character Arcs for Me and Snoop Dogg

It's 7 Quick Takes! How was your week?


My 7th grader was assigned to make a hackeysack in art class, but she liked the yarn sticking out of the top and didn't cut it off. Then she thought it would be cute to add a little face:

Makes a good paperweight.

Her friends think it looks like Anxiety from Inside Out 2, but since it's blue instead of orange they named it Depression.


My kids are not pulling their weight during kitchen cleaning after dinner each night. Like all cleaning systems we've used, ours has worked for a while until it didn't anymore, so now I'm on the hunt for something new (I've been told the "something new" can't be the kids so it has to be the method.)

I did some online investigation, and here's what I found.

If you like The Monkees, this one wins the award for "most enjoyable musically":

This one was also cute:

This one was alright, and I cackled out loud at the indoctrination at 1:02 with the children hypnotically chanting BOOKS! PUT THE BOOKS AWAY!

I wonder if this one would be fun, or if it would just add to the chaos and I'd end up yelling over it at the kids to clean. 

A few others with visual timers that I considered were this pop-style one and this one with a Jackson 5 feel.

There were several hip-hop clean up songs that I liked, including this one (super-weird animation, though) and this one. Some of them even included a throwback to the O.G. Barney clean up song, like this one and this one ("errbody, errwhere." I'm dying.)


While sifting through the hip-hop clean up songs out there, I found one that was annoying and did not make my list, but it also taught me something that I think everyone needs to know: 

Snoop Dogg has an animated kids' channel about a group of puppies led by a mentor named Bow Wizzle who raps about values and kindergarten readiness skills.

In the '90s, I never imagined that one day I would be listening to a Snoop Dogg song that goes "Clean, clean, clean / That's how to be a good human being." But here we are. Getting older is wild.


It's been pretty cold lately so we took the kids out to a local trail and then walked across a frozen lake.

We made it almost all the way across without someone crying because they took a snowball to the face. So close. 


The 8-year-old is voraciously reading all the books in the Great Illustrated Classics series at his school library. When I picked him up from school, he had Phantom of the Opera in his hand.

"A phantom is a ghost, right?" he asked when I picked him up from school.

"Right," I said. 

"Why are there two words that mean the same thing?"

"Well, I learned on my Language Transfer podcast that when English has two words for something, the more formal one comes from Latin and the less formal one comes from German."

"Like what?"

"Like 'encounter' and 'find.' Or 'phantom' and 'ghost.'"

"What about 'smelly' and 'stinky'?"

Honestly, I wasn't sure how to determine which one was more formal.


There was a big windstorm here that left debris all over our driveway and took down two big branches. I watched one of them fall down so close to the car parked there that the little branches were touching it.

Maybe it's time to get that tree removed.

Luckily, the 13-year-old needs money so she was more than happy to clean up the small debris for an allowance chore, but I dragged the big stuff off to the side and Phillip will have to take care of it with the chainsaw this weekend. 

The day before the windstorm there was a small earthquake (but big enough to freak out our parakeet, Pringles) and the day afterward it snowed, so I feel like if a meteor landed in our backyard tomorrow I'd still be a little surprised but not too much. 


I'm a... plant person now, I guess? Which is weird because I don't do live plants. With the exception of a few plants as a birthday gift for Phillip's home office space during COVID, I've never bought a houseplant. They're just too hard to maintain.

But people have recently given us some plants, and having kept them alive for a few months I decided to incorporate them into our home decor and hope for the best. I spent my Christmas gift money on a new pot for the spider plant in the dining room and a plant stand for the snake plant in the bedroom, and they look amazing!

I never thought I'd be voluntarily spending money on plant accessories. That actually surprises me more than Snoop Dogg having an educational kids' channel.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great songs! They are catchy! Cannot wait to tease my teenagers with them. Can already hear them "Mom-ing" me!