When you have boys, sometimes you walk by and see a pair of pants clamped to a dining room chair and you never quite know why:
Turns out that my 16-year-old's pants shrunk a little in the dryer and he was stretching them out. His method got the job done just fine, I'm just amused that he used woodworking tools to solve a laundry dilemma.
The big news around here is that the 8- and 10-year-old got bunk beds. Their oldest sisters had been using them separately as twin beds, but they're in college now and the boys' room was getting awfully crowded. It was time to officially hand them over to the 8- and 10-year-olds.
A few days later, a friend casually mentioned that her daughter had broken her elbow falling out of the top bunk trying to reach over to shut the door and I kid you not, that very same night I watched my 8-year-old doing the same thing. Except it was the light switch he was trying to reach.
It's amazing that anyone survives childhood.
My 20-year-old's raging ADHD sometimes causes her to incur late payment fees, miss deadlines, and so on. Sometimes she gets down on herself about it and we tell her, "Don't beat yourself up about it, just pay the ADHD tax and move on."
When I was cleaning up and doing some organizing after moving the bunk beds out of the 20-year-old's old room, guess what I found? Over $1,000 worth of uncashed paychecks from her part-time job in high school.
I texted her right away, and she said she would ask them to reissue the checks because of course they were expired.
"So is this the opposite of the ADHD tax?" I asked her.
"Yes, the random $1k ADHD bonus," she texted back.
(That one doesn't happen nearly as often.)
My daughter's experience gift at Christmas was a month of Disney+ Premium with no ads to watch all the Marvel movies and shows with her siblings, and she has been using it to the fullest. I've never seen her so motivated.
I continue to work at my Christmas gift, but with less enthusiasm. I'm trying to figure out how to use my new phone and it's still kicking my butt. Instead of swiping up to see the menu, I have to swipe down. The volume and power buttons are on reverse sides, so I turn it off every time I try to turn it up. I'm already too old for changes of this magnitude.
Our car got stuck in the driveway this week when we got a substantial snowfall. That actually happens a lot, so we keep a bucket full of salt sand in the garage for that exact reason.
Too bad no one had noticed that it was running low, though, because we opened it up and there was next to nothing inside. So Phillip improvised and used what we had on hand, which was potting soil.
I can tell you from experience now that Miracle-Gro not only gives you healthy houseplants with a more colorful bloom, it's also good for traction in the winter!
Later that day, I took the 16-year-old out to practice driving in the snow. But by the time we went out, the city's taxpayer dollars had been put to work and the roads were completely clear.
We drove around, hoping to find an icy parking lot, but no luck. On the way home, I recommended that we take a dirt road, since they're usually at least a little slick and maybe my son could get a feel for what it's like to slide a little and what to do when it happens. He understood the assignment and skidded right off the road when we went around a curve.
Luckily, he got the car under control very quickly (great instincts, I was very proud of him) and then he got out and dug out the snow around the wheels so we could get back on the road and drive home! But slower this time.
It's been really, really cold here lately. My 10-year-old hates wearing a coat but I told him that he needs to wear one to the bus stop this week, or I will get arrested.
I still saw him sneakily opening the door and sticking out his arm to check the temperature to see if he could get away with it.
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