So one day when the kids have grown up and left the nest, what am I going to do with all my expertise?
Some jobs I might consider are:
Pet groomer. I've spent the better part of 12 years obsessively removing debris and dead skin from my babies' scalps, ears, eyes, and noses. In my free time, I also comb through my older kids' hair looking for lice.
Funeral director. My kids have owned a diverse assortment of hamsters, crayfish, and other small animals, none of which have lived long. I guess what I'm saying is, I'm extremely practiced in making burial arrangements and comforting the bereaved.
Actuary. Actuaries specialize in risk management, constantly calculating the likelihood and cost of catastrophic events. Otherwise known in motherhood circles as "being awake."
Psychic. My 8-year-old thinks I know where his shoes are, despite the fact that I have never, ever worn them. This happens to me all the time. The only explanation is that I must actually have psychic powers, because why else would everyone assume I can tell them the current location of everything they own?
Judging by the trajectory of the splatters and the bowl, I'd say someone's bartender slide needs a little more practice. |
Air traffic controller. During the hours of 4 and 8 PM, I'm responsible for directing the flow of incoming and outgoing traffic when all the kids simultaneously need to be at their 3,241 extra-curricular activities.
Correctional officer. Prison guards have to intervene in conflicts between the inmates, search and seize dangerous objects from bunks, and make sure no one escapes. Actually, that's an eerily accurate description of everything I've done in the last 24 hours.
Correctional officer. Prison guards have to intervene in conflicts between the inmates, search and seize dangerous objects from bunks, and make sure no one escapes. Actually, that's an eerily accurate description of everything I've done in the last 24 hours.
Dog trainer. Let's just say I have lots of experience in using treats to teach small, non-verbal creatures how to do what I want them to do. This is my entire potty training strategy.
Human resources director. I'm responsible for facilitating communication and making sure everyone in this house gets along. And believe me, if one kid feels that something isn't working out, they let me know.
Hazardous waste management technician. I've cleaned up diaper blowouts so epic they could be the basis for a new comic book series.
Director of marketing. The same kid who turns up his nose at stuffed zucchini for dinner will eat it all and ask for seconds if you just bill it as "pizza boats." FYI, this trick also works the opposite way.
Son: Are you eating pie for breakfast?— Foxy Wine Pocket (@FoxyWinePocket) November 28, 2014
Me (eating pie): No. Fruit casserole. Want some?
Son: NO. I hate casserole.
Me (whispers): I know...
Archaeologist. I regularly dig up forgotten artifacts from between the couch cushions, under the oven, and on top of the refrigerator. I even do occasional excavation work behind the washing machine and under the toddler's car seat.
Game show host. I'm good at facilitating game play, since whenever our family plays a board game it's my job to remind everyone when it's their turn. Every. Single. Time. Seriously, I'm the only one who even pays attention.
Parole officer. When one of my kids messes up, I'm on them like white on rice to make sure they're following the terms of their probation. I can do this indefinitely until they convince me of their rehabilitation.
Interpreter. I have years and years of experience in deciphering complete nonsense and relaying it in standard English to whoever's talking to my toddler.
Sports commentator. I clock about 100 hours a week during the school year yelling encouragement from the sidelines of a field or court. In the off-season, I can be found by the side of the pool "watching this" and giving play-by-plays of 50 identical-looking cannonballs.
When you think about it, being a full-time mom is actually great for your resume. And that's even before you add in your marketable skills as a maid, short-order cook, janitor, taxi driver, and drill sergeant!
When you think about it, being a full-time mom is actually great for your resume. And that's even before you add in your marketable skills as a maid, short-order cook, janitor, taxi driver, and drill sergeant!

The dog trainer job made me laugh and spoke to my heart. Maybe because we are so badly failing at the potty training thing over here even with all the bribery of the best treats Walmart can offer ;)
Oh my gosh, this is all so true. I can't stop giggling.
Forensic scientist! That is too funny. I DO always assume my mom knows where everything is. Too funny. You are extremely marketable ;)
The actuary is brilliant. Yes and yes. Lots of risk assessment going on over here, and I don't even have boys.
All excellent vocations that you are now prepared for!
I catch re-runs of Cops every now and then and am surprised by how many things cops say that we say as moms. It's all about behavior management and redirection
These are all so perfect!
"being awake"!!! Bwahahahaha!
Corrections officer- oh yeah!!
"fruit casserole"!!!! Best one yet!
Can't take credit for the fruit casserole one since I didn't write it, but the fact that I remembered it years later to put in this post tells you how hilarious (and useful!) it is.
Unfortunately I think a lot of their job is babysitting people who don't know how to work out their conflicts in a civilized manner!
Brilliant. The board room is a breeze compared to negotiations with a toddler! Thanks for linking up to #FridayFrolics
These are so amazing and so funny- and sadly very very true!
Haha! This is awesome. Very accurate!
We could combine these and the job that all mums could do is become a superhero! We are all superheros with super powers! #FridayFrolics
And don't forget referee! AWESOME list!
Oh, how could I forget?! There's a follow-up post here, I just know it.
Love it! Yes, it's surprising the skills we pick up parenting! I agree - I think I would be an excellent forensic specialist these days! Thanks so much for joining us on #FridayFrolics
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