Friday, December 20, 2024

7 Quick Takes about Fixing the Garage Door Opener, Holiday Recitals, and Post-Shower Injuries

It's 7 Quick Takes Friday! How was your week?


You know how I talked about closing all the open loops in the house every morning?

Well, forget it. There are 5 days until Christmas. There are an infinite number of loops. I'm saying "Oh, crap!" because I remember something important that I forgot to do every 7 and a half minutes. The house is a disaster and the kids are feral. I have given up closing the loops. The loops win.


I ordered Christmas cards almost a month ago, but since I hadn't yet written the family newsletter I send along with them, I tucked the Christmas cards away for safekeeping. 

I think you know where this is going.

Long story short, I wasn't even mad when I finished the newsletter and realized I had no idea where I'd stashed the cards. Honestly, I even felt a little relieved at the prospect of not having to address and stuff all the envelopes. "I either want to find them tonight, or not at all," I told Phillip. "They'd just better not turn up in February."

Anyway, we found them after 20 minutes of tearing the house apart so I did have to address and stuff them, after all, but the kids helped with that part so it wasn't that bad.


My two oldest daughters are home from college for their Christmas break. Everyone is loving having them here. 

In fact, just last night the 20-year-old was giving the 8- and 10-year-olds a double piggyback ride, with the other kids laughing at the sight of their triple rear ends from behind and calling them "the three buttsketeers." 

I don't exactly create memories like that as a parent, so needless to say the kids are having the best time.


Phillip and I had been hoping to surprise the girls with more progress toward finishing the basement, but then the garage door opener broke and we had to fix that instead. 

Our basement trim might not be installed, but at least the 10-year-old learned something about garage door openers.

I guess that's the problem with doing home improvement projects yourself. Whenever you try to work on it, you've got to pause and take care of something critical that stops working  the dishwasher, the dryer, the kids' toilet. It never ends.


My 16-year-old wants to get contacts instead of glasses, so they scheduled him for a "contacts lesson." They showed him a video about how to insert and remove contacts, and then set him up with a mirror so he could try doing it a few times while they watched and gave helpful hints. Apparently there's a steep learning curve because it took forever.

My son stayed patient, but I was eager to get out of there. If you've never sat in on a contacts lesson, let me tell you that watching someone clumsily poke at their own eyeballs for 25 minutes is not pleasant.


Both the 8- and 13-year-old had separate holiday recitals on Saturday. When you take the actual 4 hours of recital time plus the required early arrival for each performer (and me, too, since they can't drive), I felt like the music school should consider setting up accommodations for live-in parents like myself. 

Both recitals were a lot of fun. My son played "Waltz of the Flowers" from The Nutcracker on the piano, and for his first recital it went really well. My daughter is getting over a cold so her voice was a little husky for her singing recital, but it actually worked with her song "Snowman" by Sia and people probably thought it was on purpose.


I hurt my neck over the weekend. After almost a week it's getting better, but for the first few days I was practically unable to move it at all and I was pretty miserable. 

Do you know what crazy thing I was doing to mess up my neck so badly? I reached up too fast to dry my hair with a towel. Getting older is wild.

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