Friday, August 30, 2024

7 Quick Takes about Sandbox Reminders, How to Use a Gift Card, and College Move-Ins

It's 7 Quick Takes Friday! How was your week?


My kids and I were going to make a baking soda volcano, and I thought the easiest and cleanest place to do it was the sandbox in the backyard. The kids could bury the bottle of baking soda and kind of mound the sand up around it to make a volcano.

What a reminder when we got out there how the kids are getting older! The sandbox was filled with crabgrass and looked like it had been abandoned:

Clearly no one has played here for months.

It does seem like a long time ago, but I so vividly remember watching them spend entire days in the sandbox with their diggers and buckets and shovels. WEIRD.


I'm a cheapskate of the "use it up, wear it out, make do, or do without" variety, so my 20-year-old's latest achievement made me very proud.

A while ago she won a drawing for a $50 gift card from the grocery store she works at, and not only did she manage to stretch it out to cover her meals for lunch breaks in July and August, but on her last day she had exactly 74¢ left so she bought a 71-cent candy bar on her way out the door!


This week I got the little kids on the bus for their first day of school, then drove to the aiport and flew with my two oldest daughters to drop them off at college. (Don't worry, Phillip was still there to feed and take care of the littles when they got home from school.)

We have family that lives about 30 minutes away from their college campus, so I've been staying at their house and driving back and forth to get the girls moved in to their respective places.

It's been extremely busy, and between the time difference and the long days of driving, shopping for necessities, hauling boxes and unpacking belongings, and then realizing they need more stuff and doing it all over again, I'm exhausted. 


My 20-year-old, who's been feeling it too, exclaimed the other day "Mom, I'm OLD! My back hurts and I want to go to bed at 10 o'clock... and I don't know what 'skibidi rizz' means!"

It's so gratifying to see your children beginning to age out of coolness after they've spent years giving you a hard time about that very thing.


The 18-year-old is all moved in to her ridiculously nice apartment-style dorm on campus. Everything is new, they have an amazing view of a freshly-landscaped courtyard, and I'm really hoping the kitchen counters are faux look-alikes and not real granite.

This should be illegal for college students.

I keep reminding my daughter that she won't live in a place this nice again until she's at least 30 so she shouldn't get used to it.

On the other hand, she's been working her butt off to save money for this since she was 14 and she also earned several scholarships, so this is on her dime and she should enjoy it while it lasts.


I'm almost done getting the 20-year-old moved in. We have a few more things to buy and set up this afternoon and then she'll be ready to move in. 

She's living off-campus in a perfectly appropriate college apartment. It's clean, but the fixtures are landlord specials from the late '80s and the doorframes have obviously been painted over about 200 times. This is the kind of apartment I lived in during college and when Phillip was in grad school, and I think it builds character.

However, I noticed that the roommates have been drying their hands with a square of fabric from a T-shirt hanging on a pushpin in the wall above the sink, so I did go get them a command hook and a real towel. Because that's maybe building a little too much character.


Tomorrow I go home, and I've been away so much between my Young Women calling and a family funeral in the last two months that I'm ready to just stay home with Phillip and never leave again.

Unfortunately, I woke up this morning with a nasty cold, and Phillip has been working so hard to hold down the fort at home while working that I would feel terrible about getting him sick.

Hopefully it runs its course quickly, and maybe no one else will get it as badly as I do because they're not on immunosuppressants for lupus like I am!

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