Friday, April 19, 2019

7 Quick Takes about Pull-Up Disclaimers, Products Not Intended for Your Hair, and Finding Your Spirit Animal at the Natural History Museum

It's 7 Quick Takes Friday! How was your week?


A few weeks ago, another mom from church said she was giving away some leftover Pull-ups. I volunteered to take them off her hands, made arrangements to pick them up, then forgot all about it because life.

At least she remembered, though, and I walked into church on Sunday to see this sitting on the counter:

Another weekly installment of 7 Quick Takes, the funniest weekly recap of a family of 8. If you want to start your weekend off laughing, this is definitely what you should read. #7quicktakes #7qt #hilarious #unremarkablefiles

On a related note: if you're in my ward (congregation) and saw this on Sunday, I feel like I need to clarify that the Pull-ups aren't literally for me.

Since the note was slightly ambiguous, I'd just like you to know they will be worn by children.


My dad is visiting us for our spring break, and we've been doing a lot of fun things. The weather has been kind of disappointing, but on the days that are less rainy we've been trying to get outside.

We took this beautiful walk:

Another weekly installment of 7 Quick Takes, the funniest weekly recap of a family of 8. If you want to start your weekend off laughing, this is definitely what you should read. #7quicktakes #7qt #hilarious #unremarkablefiles

and laughed at this "pick up after your dog" sign in the parking lot:

Another weekly installment of 7 Quick Takes, the funniest weekly recap of a family of 8. If you want to start your weekend off laughing, this is definitely what you should read. #7quicktakes #7qt #hilarious #unremarkablefiles
It's true.

Trust me, if there was a poop fairy I'd know. Over the last 14 years of having small children, I've dealt with and disposed of an astronomical amount of scat.

So actually... maybe there is a poop fairy after all, and it's me.


My 2-year-old's hair was getting long, so I got out our scissors and asked him to go get the spray bottle of water from the bathroom to wet down his hair.

Something you probably need to know for this story is that our spray bottle looks like this:

Another weekly installment of 7 Quick Takes, the funniest weekly recap of a family of 8. If you want to start your weekend off laughing, this is definitely what you should read. #7quicktakes #7qt #hilarious #unremarkablefiles

Anyway, my 2-year-old was gone for a while so I figured he got distracted on the way. "Can you see the spray bottle?" I yelled.

"Uh... the green one?" he yelled back.


A few minutes later, he came down and handed me this, even though you could tell he knew that it wasn't quite right. But it was green. And it sprayed. And it was a bottle.

Another weekly installment of 7 Quick Takes, the funniest weekly recap of a family of 8. If you want to start your weekend off laughing, this is definitely what you should read. #7quicktakes #7qt #hilarious #unremarkablefiles

No wonder he was confused.


As one of our Easter traditions, we colored eggs this week. But we are kind of done with the lame kits from CVS and started doing something called pysanky.

Pysanky is a method of layering wax-resist designs on eggs to create colorful and intricate designs, which we've done ever since we learned about Ukraine in our educational summer vacation.

We figured that it's different and fun, and besides, when a project involves children handling unwashable dye and melting wax over an open flame, what could possibly go wrong??

Of course, our finished eggs look nothing like real pysanky and I'm probably offending the entire country of Ukraine by saying this, but we had fun and I'm proud of how they turned out.

Another weekly installment of 7 Quick Takes, the funniest weekly recap of a family of 8. If you want to start your weekend off laughing, this is definitely what you should read. #7quicktakes #7qt #hilarious #unremarkablefiles
It looks like you know what you're doing when you display your finished work on a stand.

Traditional psyanky are almost always geometrical designs, but that doesn't mean much to my kids.

You can see in the picture above how my 7-year-old made a scene with clouds and grass and sky, which is kind of hard to do since you have to think in reverse to get the colors right when you're using wax-resist.

My 14-year-old made hers into a globe, because she likes geography.

Another weekly installment of 7 Quick Takes, the funniest weekly recap of a family of 8. If you want to start your weekend off laughing, this is definitely what you should read. #7quicktakes #7qt #hilarious #unremarkablefiles

And my 12-year-old, the violinist, made sheet music:

Another weekly installment of 7 Quick Takes, the funniest weekly recap of a family of 8. If you want to start your weekend off laughing, this is definitely what you should read. #7quicktakes #7qt #hilarious #unremarkablefiles

It seems like every time we get a little better at it, so we all look forward to doing pysanky every year. What fun Easter traditions do you guys have?


We were checking out books at the library, and my 2-year-old handed me this.

I went to put it in the bag but glanced at it and oh my gosh! Who did this to this book??

Another weekly installment of 7 Quick Takes, the funniest weekly recap of a family of 8. If you want to start your weekend off laughing, this is definitely what you should read. #7quicktakes #7qt #hilarious #unremarkablefiles

Indignantly, I opened it to look inside and saw this note from the librarians on the first page.

Another weekly installment of 7 Quick Takes, the funniest weekly recap of a family of 8. If you want to start your weekend off laughing, this is definitely what you should read. #7quicktakes #7qt #hilarious #unremarkablefiles

The children's librarian, who saw me staring at the book, said "We had so many people bringing it to the front desk and reporting it as vandalized we had to add that."

It just looks really real.


I've discovered the beauty of industrial products for residential use. When we realized we needed to get a mat to protect our wood floors from the wheels of the rolling chair at the computer desk, we first bought one of those flimsy little clear plastic mats.

Which never stayed in place and quickly got dirty and nasty-looking, and was basically a waste of money.

So then we decided to replace it with an industrial entry rug, the kind designed for office buildings and banks. After a month it still looks brand-new, which makes sense. Regular stuff falls apart so fast at my house, but this is meant to be walked on a million times a day and vacuumed at least daily.

From now on I have to remember that if it's not hardy enough for a school or prison, it's probably not going to cut it here, either.


Another thing we've been doing with my dad is going to lots of museums (again, because the weather is not great.)

We've played at science museums,

Another weekly installment of 7 Quick Takes, the funniest weekly recap of a family of 8. If you want to start your weekend off laughing, this is definitely what you should read. #7quicktakes #7qt #hilarious #unremarkablefiles

Checked out fine art (parenting tip: you can enjoy the paintings better if one adult waits outside with the little kids so they don't shatter a 17th century vase or ruin everyone else's visit by running through the Greek room yelling "Eww! EWWW!" at all the nude statues,)

Another weekly installment of 7 Quick Takes, the funniest weekly recap of a family of 8. If you want to start your weekend off laughing, this is definitely what you should read. #7quicktakes #7qt #hilarious #unremarkablefiles

Laughed at the natural history museum's attempt to "be hip and speak the kids' language" in the geology room (although when I showed this to my kids they started walking around looking for these Minecraft minerals so it totally worked,)

Another weekly installment of 7 Quick Takes, the funniest weekly recap of a family of 8. If you want to start your weekend off laughing, this is definitely what you should read. #7quicktakes #7qt #hilarious #unremarkablefiles

And when we were separately exploring the taxidermied animals on display in the mammal room, I received a text from my daughter saying that she'd found our new family mascot:

Another weekly installment of 7 Quick Takes, the funniest weekly recap of a family of 8. If you want to start your weekend off laughing, this is definitely what you should read. #7quicktakes #7qt #hilarious #unremarkablefiles

I'll see if I can add it to the Evans family crest cross-stitch I've been working on.

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Anonymous said...

I had to laugh at the library book. We’ve enjoyed books by Mac Barnett. My kids love “Chloe and the Lion”. We end up reading it as a family with everyone choosing which part they are going to voice. Then we have to read it several more times, so everyone gets a turn to do different characters. I’ll have to see if my library system has this bunny one.

Rachel said...

So funny that the library had to add that extra note to the bunny book! Guess the book cover designer did a good job with their assignment! I like your egg decorating. We don't really have Easter traditions outside of any church program that might be going on and teaching the story of this week to the kids. I particularly love some of the very traditional Easter hymns. Tomorrow Angel's school has a sunrise baptism service on the beach which sounds so exciting to me but I don't know if I'll be up to going.

Ann-Marie Ulczynski said...

You have me cracking up as always! Your eggs look amazing. I haven’t been brave enough to try doing those. My Mom dyed eggs with the girls using shaving cream . . . It sorta of worked.

Terra Heck said...

That globe egg is pretty neat. Sounds like your family has been having a good time with dad. I would've thought that book was vandalized too. Clever!

Anonymous said...

My 4 and 5 yr olds were obsessed with pysanky because of the book Rechenka's Eggs. In that book she paints them, but busting out the paint just seemed like a bad life choice. So instead I broke out the Sharpies, told the kids they wee paint pens, and they went to town! I might have to do this every year; it occupied them over several days for hours!

Jenny Evans said...

The Sharpies is such a good idea for the kids who are kind of too young to handle hot wax... I love it!