Saturday, September 9, 2017

End of an Era: Educational Summer Vacation 2017 Recap

We're already back in school and people are already talking about pumpkin spice everything (but who am I to talk, I just had a cider donut for breakfast this morning.) It's hard to imagine that our pretend trip around the world over summer vacation just ended.

In my mind, the benefits of learning about geography and culture over summer vacation are threefold:
  1. It gives us enough structure to keep the kids from going all Lord of the Flies.
  2. They even learn something (my 6th grader just took a geography pretest in school and she said she knew a lot of the answers because of our imaginary travels.)
  3. We make some good memories and have fun.

Two of them said building a Spanish aqueduct was their favorite activity of the summer (don't worry, it sounds way fancier than it actually was.) The 5-year-old cited making some traditional Greek cookies and the 9-year-old said he liked watching a video about lemurs in Madagascar.

This year's pretend "trip around the world" taught the kids about geography and culture in Austria, Greece, Chile, Madagascar, North Korea, and Spain! Use for your homeschool or just laugh along at our Pinterest fails and highlights from 2017.  {posted @ Unremarkable Files}

If you want to read about how our weeks went, use these posts as lesson plans for your home school, or just laugh along at our Pinterest fails (I'd say the volcano in Chile was definitely the most epic flop of the year,) check out the giant link list at the bottom of this page!

Thanks to everybody who followed along, suggested recipes or activities, and commented on the blog. We'll be back at it again next summer.

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The Lady Okie said...

Good job with everything! I'm glad the kids enjoyed it too and will live to kill each other another day ;)

Jenny Evans said...

That was my main goal of the summer and I'm proud to say that I accomplished it 100%! I should write a parenting book next.